Rotary Club of Herndon-Reston Photo Gallery

Rise Against Hunger Event | Jan. 25, 2025
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Rise Against Hunger | Jan. 25.2025 | Multi Rotary and Interact Clubs
Herndon-Reston, Satellite-Impact, Great Falls and Dulles International Airport Herndon and South Lakes Interact Clubs

Rotarian Code of Conduct
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Rotarian Code of Conduct

Patriotic Pancake Breakfast for Veterans
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Patriotic Pancake Breakfast for Veterans

Herndon High School Madrigals | Conductor Jane Waldrop
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Herndon High School Madrigals | Conductor Jane Waldrop

Candyland Gifts for Children 2024
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Candyland 2024

United Airlines Fantasy Flight 2024
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United Airlines Fantasy Flight 2024

She Believes in Me - “She’s a Gift”
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She Believes in Me - “She’s a Gift”

2023-2024 Rotarian of the Year - Jane Nash
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2023-2024 Rotarian of the Year - Jane Nash

SBIM - She is Hopeful
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She Believes in Me - "She is Hopeful"

2023 Candyland Gift Wrap and Distribution Event
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There were so many wonderful supporters, donations, and volunteers who helped wrap hundreds of gifts for children. Delivery was made on Dec. 16, 2022.

Fantasy Flight to the North Pole 2023
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Rotary members were humbled to be a part of this special event.

She Believes in Me Girls Empowerment Program
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Our club is proud to sponsor She Believes in Me (2023-2024 District Grant)

2023 Walk to End Polio
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Rotarians and Interact Club members participated in the 2023 Walk to End Polio, raising awareness and funds to eradicate Polio on October 21, 2023

Proud to be a Rotarian!
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Proud to be a Rotarian!

Discover Endless Opportunities for Community Impact with the Rotary Club of Herndon-Reston!
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Join the Rotary Club of Herndon-Reston!

Volunteer Opportunities, Programs and Projects
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We're changing lives and communities in Herndon and Reston. Join us as we create a larger impact, giving back!

Join Rotary and Be a Part of a Vibrant Community Making an Impact!
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Our Social Mixer at Jimmy's Old Town Tavern

Our Programs and Projects Making an IMPACT
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Volunteer and make a difference!

Join the Rotary Satellite/Impact Club of Herndon-Reston
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Great fellowship, service, friendships and fun!

Rotary's Seven Areas of Focus
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Maternal and Child Health, Basic Education and Literacy, Community Economic Development, Disease Prevention and Treatment, Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, and Environment

2024 Awards and Installation Ceremony - June 26, 2024
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2024 Awards and Installation Ceremony - June 26, 2024

She Believes in Me | "She is Creative"
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She Believes in Me Event - April 13
Hutchison Elementary School

South Lakes High School Interact Club
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South Lakes High School Interact Club

"She Believes in Me" - Girl's Empowerment and Positivity 2023
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"She Believes in Me" - Girl's Empowerment and Positivity 2023

W&OD Trail Cleanup - 11.2.2024
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W&OD Trail Cleanup - 11.2.2024

Join Rotary!
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Joining Rotary Changes Your Life, Community, and World For The Better!

Celebrating Rotary's 2024 Citizen of the Year Renee Gorman of She Believes in Me
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Rotary's 2024 Citizen of the Year Renee Gorman of She Believes in Me

2024 Citizen of the Year - Renee Gorman
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2024 Citizen of the Year - Renee Gorman

Main Club | Satellite/Impact Club | Corporate Memberships
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Main Club | Satellite Club | Corporate Memberships

She Believes in Me | She is Healthy
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She Believes in Me | She is Healthy

She Believes in Me | "She is Giving"
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She Believes in Me | "She is Giving"

Rise Against Hunger 2024
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Rotary Clubs of Herndon-Reston, Dulles International Airport
, Satellite Club of Herndon-Reston and Great Falls, Interact Clubs of Herndon and South Lakes

FUNdRaising Bartend & Raffle Prize Event at Jimmy's Old Town Tavern
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FUNdRaising Bartend & Raffle Prize Event at Jimmy's Old Town Tavern 9.26.2024

Rotary Donates 500 Pairs of Shoes to NWFCU Foundation's Shoe Drive
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NWFCU Foundation Guest Speakers | Rotary Donates 500 Pairs of Shoes to NWFCU Foundation Shoe Drive

Rotary Club of Herndon-Reston Beer Booth at the 2023 Herndon Festival
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During the best four days of summer, June 1-4, members organized their Rotary Beer Booth, setting up, selling, pouring, marshaling, and simply having fun! Craft beers, seltzers, ciders, and bottled water were sold, and the proceeds will help fund club programs and projects within the Herndon and Reston communities.

Herndon-Reston Sign on W&OD Trail
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Herndon-Reston Sign on W&OD Trail

Club Meeting Schedule
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Club Meeting Schedule

Our Mailing Address
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Why Rotary?

The Rotary Foundation - Our Mission Making a Global Impact
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The Rotary Foundation - Our Mission Making a Global Impact

Volunteer Opportunities
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Volunteer Opportunities

District 2023 Membership Summit 2.0
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Herndon-Reston Rotarians attended an informative day of growing memberships within the club.

2023-2024 Installation and Appreciation Ceremony
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Rotarians and guests enjoyed a celebratory dinner as the incoming President Signe Friedrichs and her board of the 2023-2024 Rotary Club of Herndon-Reston were installed. Past President Jane Nash recognized her 2022-2023 board and all of the amazing accomplishments the club has accomplished.

W&OD Trail Cleanup Day March 18, 2023
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One of Rotary's focuses is environment. We are responsible stewards, taking action to help keep our walking and biking trails safer and cleaner. Our club members and students from the Interact Clubs at Herndon High School and South Lakes High, along with friends and family members of Rotarians, worked as a team to gather bags of trash from an area from Herndon to Reston. We are proud of the work we do as we give back to the community!

Herndon-Reston Rotarians Honored at TOH Mayor's Volunteer Appreciation Ceremonies
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Rotarian Elysa Birman was recognized with the Mayor's Distinguished Volunteer Service Award. Many Herndon-Reston Rotarians were also recognized for their volunteer service in the Herndon Community.

2023-2024 Zone 33 District Training Seminar on Membership, Foundation and Public Image
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District Chairs gathered at The Crossings in Glen Allen, Virginia, for 2023-2024 Zone 33 Membership, Public Image, and Foundation Training with DGE Rene' Laws

Michael O’Reilly Honored as Rotary’s 54th Citizen of the Year
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Rotarians, local and state dignitaries, family and friends, and business leaders recognized and paid tribute to Mr. Michael O’Reilly as the 2023 Citizen of the Year on April 27 at the Crown Plaza Dulles Airport Hotel in Herndon.

2023 District Membership Summit
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2023 District Membership Summit, Fredericksburg, VA

Herndon High School Interact Club 2023 Graduation Ceremony
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We congratulate all of the 2023 graduating seniors in the Herndon High School Interact Club! What a great year it has been! Thank you and to Ms. Belknap for your dedicated leadership and contributions to our community!

Paul Harris Fellow / Paul Harris Society 2023
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Rotarians receiving the PHF / PHS in 2023

Rise Against Hunger 10,152 Meal Packaging Event at Aldrin Elementary School, Reston
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Rotarians, Interact Club members from South Lakes High School and Herndon High School, Friends of Rotary, and their families participated on January 28, 2023 in the Rise Against Hunger event.

22-23 District Governor Sheila Brennan Club Visit 2/1/2023
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DG Sheila Brennan was warmly welcomed as she gave a fantastic presentation about her passion for Rotary.

Tony Fulkerson, Foundation Chair, Accepts End Polio Now Appreciation Award
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Tony Fulkerson, Foundation Chair, Accepts End Polio Now Appreciation Award

2022 Annual Meeting / HHS Madrigal Singers Holiday Performance
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2022 Annual Meeting / HHS Madrigal Singers Holiday Performance

Repair Earthquake Damage at School in Chantal, Haiti-District Grant with RC of Centreville/Chantilly
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Project Partner: The Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception in Chantal, Haiti. Participating Rotary Clubs include Alexandria, Blue Ridge, Culpeper, Dulles International Airport, Dunn Loring-Merrifield, Fairfax, Herndon-Reston, Lake Ridge and Leesburg-DayBreak

Big Breakfast and Magic Show - August 17, 2022
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Sly the Magician entertained members from the Rotary Club of Herndon-Reston, Vienna, Stafford, Sterling, Dulles, Purcellville and Great Falls.

Fellowship House Resident Birthday Parties
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Fellowship House Resident Birthday Parties

2022 Candyland Gift Wrap and Distribution Event
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Candyland Gift Wrap Event - Rotarians and Interact Club
Candyland Distribution Event - Rotarians

Rotary Club of Herndon-Reston 2022 Distinguished Service Organization
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The Powhatan Boy Scouts of America Honors the Rotary Club of Herndon-Reston as 2022 Distinguished Service Organization. Ceremony was held at the Great Falls Country Club.

2022 Kids Helping Kids Fun Bike-a-Thon
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Another great Rotary Satellite Club community event benefiting Kids R First in Reston!

W&OD Trail Cleanup - Rotarians and Interact Club Members
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W&OD Trail Cleanup - Rotarians and Interact Club Members - November 20, 2022

Paul Harris Fellow / Paul Harris Society 2022
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Paul Harris Fellow / Paul Harris Society 2022

Dolly Parton Imagination Library and International Literacy Projects
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Dolly Parton Imagination Library and International Literacy Projects

Satellite Club Monthly Food & Hygiene Collection Events
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Satellite Club Monthly Food & Hygiene Collection at Arts Herndon

Pat Williams, AG and Club Service Chair
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Our gratitude to Pat for her amazing and beautiful self and dedicated service to Rotary!

Breakfast Meetings at Jimmy's Old Town Tavern!
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Hospitality, warmth, fun, friendship and great food! Jimmy's has it all!

Rotary Club of Herndon-Reston Merged June 30, 2022
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Rotary Club of Herndon-Reston

Kids R First School Supply Event - July 25, 2022
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The Rotary Satellite Club of Herndon-Reston held their first annual Kids Helping Kids Fun Bike-a-Thon in May 2022, raising $4,200 to support Kids R First, a 501(c)3 nonprofit in Reston. Each year, Kids R First with the generous support of sponsors and donations, organize their school supply drive. This year over 200,000 school supplies were organized by volunteers, including Rotarians. Supplies will be delivered to 75 schools to 20,000 students in need.

Herndon-Reston Merger Celebration Event - October 1, 2022
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Fellowship, fun, and food as our club members celebrate the merger of the Rotary Clubs of Herndon and Reston!

2022-2023 Installation and Appreciation Ceremony
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Installation of newly merged Rotary Club of Herndon-Reston leadership on June 29, 2022

Rotary Club Franschhoek and Drakenstein Valley - Global Grant 2234095 - Legacy Project
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Funded by Districts and Rotary Clubs: Karlsruhe Fächerstadt; Molde - Norway; Groningen-Oost; Herndon - Virginia; Zuidlaren Anloo; Gately and Waterfront for an Early Childhood Development Program benefiting 600+ children in South Africa

23-24 Rotary Monthly Themes
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2024 Rotary Monthly Themes

Rotary Club of Herndon Logo
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Rotary Club of Herndon Logo

Rotary Club of Reston
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Great memories of club members, projects, PHF, Interact Club and programs serving the Reston Community and internationally.

Rotary Club of Herndon-Reston / The Wonderful People, Projects and Memories!
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So many great times, sharing and building Rotary friendships, engaged in service projects and giving back to the Herndon Community!

Rotary Supports the Herndon High School Band
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For many years, the Rotary Club of Herndon-Reston has been a proud supporter of the Herndon High School Band, including the Wind Ensemble. Congratulations to each and everyone of these fine musicians who bring such joy to so many! We are so proud of you!

2021-2022 Club Officer Installation Program
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Rotary Club of Herndon and Satellite Evening Club Installation Program
June 30, 2021 - Amphora Restaurant, Herndon, VA

Rotary International's Theme 2022-2023
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Rotary International's Theme 2022-2023

Rotary Global Grant Program - South Africa
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Sanitation and Water Improvement Project at the Gxarha Village, close to Morgan Bay in South Africa. What a wonderful gift to the villagers, enabled by our Rotary Global Grant.

Why Rotary?
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Herndon Rotarians enjoying weekly morning breakfast meetings, sharing fellowship, Rotary's visions and fun!

Club Photo Gallery
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Club Photo Gallery

Rotary Club of Herndon Picture Gallery
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Rotarians Enjoying Weekly Morning Breakfast Meetings Sharing Fellowship, Rotary's Visions and Fun

Herndon High School Rotary Interact Club
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Herndon High Interact Club Graduation Ceremony 2024
Herndon High School's Rotary Interact Club Ceremony - May 26, 2021
Bready Park Shelter, Herndon and
Interact Club Ceremony - May 21, 2022

Herndon-Reston Rotary Satellite Club
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Herndon-Reston Rotary Satellite Club

2021 Candyland Event - Herndon Satellite Club / Rotary Main Club / Interact Club
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The 2021 Candyland Event was a major success! Rotarians and Herndon High School Interact Members wrapped and delivered over 400 gifts to 86 children from Clearview Elementary School, bringing holiday cheer and joy to so many families.